Tempest Air Grand Opening Performance on November 13th!

Buffalo’s newest airbrushing store, Tempest Air, will officially be opening its doors for business on Monday, October 18.

Located at 459 Amherst Street ( map ), the store will offer custom airbrush artwork services to any customer looking to add a little creativity to their clothing, shoes, license plates, musical instruments–you name it. “Literally, if you can squeeze it through our doors we can paint it up,” said owner Jenn Mayberry.

Tempest Air is located at 459 Amherst Street across from 464 Gallery. They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Though they will be open for business on October 18, they will be hosting their grand opening celebration on November 13 at 7 p.m. The party will feature live music from Coterie of Stern and the Dragon Ritual Drummers, as well as a fire dancing performance by Pyromancy. Brickyard Pub will be catering the event.

More information at:
Buffalo Rising interview
Tempest Air Grand Opening Facebook Invite

Jenn Mayberry, the owner of Tempest Air, created the Pyromancy sign that we display at all of our shows. This was created early in the summer before we had a style and logo on the website, and we provided very little direction outside of “fire” and a book of ancient South American Symbols for inspiration. I was very pleased to see she really listened to our ideas and incorporated the symbols we liked in fun and aesthetically pleasing ways with the text. The result was really really awesome and I would recommend to anyone looking for custom work that is creative and unique!

In addition to our fire performance, this is also a rare Buffalo Appearance for the Dragon RItual Drummers that is free and open to the public!
Read the live show review .

Come out and small businesses in the Blackrock area of Buffalo, see you there November 13th @ 7pm!