( source: Buffalo Rising ) In Buffalo, the artistic influences of fire spinning, Bollywood dance, belly dancing and the like are ever-present these days. But it’s not often that we get to experience them all together… at a waterfront setting… with a dramatic sunset.
Fortunately a new event is coming to the Buffalo River called “Club Casbah”. The event is scheduled to take place at River Fest Park in August, so mark your calendars and set aside the date. There will be opportunities to take mini-belly dance lessons, watch the experts do their stuff, mingle with international teachers artists and teachers, and witness the fire dancing prowess of Buffalo’s own Pyromancy.
The free evening culminates with a dance party… fire, water, dancing, sunset and music. What’s not to like about that?
Ride your bike, come by boat, or take the Metro Rail and walk over from the foot of Main Street.
“Club Casbah” @ River Fest Park (map)| 249 Ohio St | Buffalo, New York | August 23, 2014 | 6:30-10pm
Photo credit: Toki Cavener
Related Links:
– Club Casbah in Buffalo Rising
– Facebook Group
– Facebook Event Page