Category Archives: Events

Pyromancy Fire for the Future! With Special Guest David Adamczyk!

Pyromancy Performance Art
Pyromancy! Fire for the Future!

Buffalo, NY

Pyromancy is Buffalo’s premier fire performance team and tonight we’ll be offering a special preview of our Infringement show next month!

We’ll be performing at The Bend (256 Allen) with David Adamczyk accompanying us on the violin.

Gillian will be astounding you with her dazzling hoops and baton routines!

Potter will invoking the elements with the quick flourishes of their staff and the heavier beats of the steel fans. Once the wars have been properly set, they will consume and will be consumed by the flames.

Leo will be making his debut showing with Pyromancy, bringing his lightning fast poi to the stage for a performance that will take your breath away.

And David Adamczyk on the violin. When he’s not playing the street corners in Allentown he’s moonlighting at some of the biggest music halls in the country. We’re blessed to have a true virtuoso to accompany us.
So 10pm, come down to The bend and prepared to be astounded!