Category Archives: Social Networking


We’d like to thank everyone who came out to Curtain Up! last night, we had an amazing time. If you have any pictures or video, we’d love to add them to our portfolio, drop us a message at

I’d like to give special thanks to the Bijou Grill for helping us with power at last minute, Channel 4 for the coverage in their preview special, The VAuLT where we helped kick off their one year anniversary party, and most of all to Jerry Burgin who coordinated the entire Curtain Up! event.

Pyromancy will be having a business meeting 7pm, September 14th at Towne Restraurant, for all performers, safeties, newbies, photographers, musicians, anyone who wishes to be involved in our collective. We’ve got a lot to go over, there’s much excitement abound.

September 24th we’ll be performing at Delaware park at the Party for the Parks Olmstead Foundation Fundraiser. For a mere twenty dollars you’ll get Salsa, Mariachi, Beach Volleyball, Food, Drinks, FIRE! It’s going to be a fantastic time and it’s all going to Buffalo’s glorious park system. You can purchase tickets here.

Pyromancy Page on Facebook

We now have a fan page on Facebook where official event announcements and news will be posted in addition to this website. Please click “Like” to get updates and information if you are a Facebook user.

If you are a performer/drummer/photographer/safety who would like to be part of our collective, please join our internal group where we will be sending out regular updates with practice schedules, performances and other information. Please include a brief letter of intent when joining because membership is moderated. We look forward to hearing from you!

Pyromancy Facebook Page
Pyromancy Performers Facebook Group