Category Archives: Events

Just got home from an AMAZING night at Dancing From the Heart!

What a fantastic show! We all got to light up the dance floor with fancy new LED toys, it was so pretty to see everyone going at once. STORM Buffalo raised over SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for Variety Club, total success!

I want to thank all the amazing Pyromancers who came and performed, all the other dance troops, there were too many for me to recall, and Tommy Randon for organizing the night.

February 12, 2011: Dancing from the Heart

We are excited to announce a special indoor performance at Storm Buffalo’s Dancing From The Heart!

STORM’s third annual fundraiser to benefit the The 49th Annual Variety Kids Telethon 2011, Dancing from the Heart will take place at the Adam’s Mark Hotel ( map ) on Saturday, February 12th from 12:00 noon to 11:30 p.m. Dance workshops will take place from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m. in belly dance, ballroom, salsa, hip hop and more. Guest instructors include Elena Grinenko and Tony Dovolani from ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” and Eddie Styles, JabbaWockeeZ crew member. Evening entertainment will include a Venetian Masked Ball with general dancing, live performances, jugglers, jesters and more!

Admission on the day of the event is $75.00.
Evening Admission to the Live performances and the Venetian Masked Ball is $25.

* Performance by Pyromancy with special Fire and LED Props will be during the Venetian Masked Ball! *

The Adam’s Mark Hotel is located at 120 Church Street Buffalo, NY 14202 and for more information or tickets, call 716/822-0299

Get more information at Dancing With the Heart’s website.

Tempest Air Grand Opening Performance on November 13th!

Buffalo’s newest airbrushing store, Tempest Air, will officially be opening its doors for business on Monday, October 18.

Located at 459 Amherst Street ( map ), the store will offer custom airbrush artwork services to any customer looking to add a little creativity to their clothing, shoes, license plates, musical instruments–you name it. “Literally, if you can squeeze it through our doors we can paint it up,” said owner Jenn Mayberry.

Tempest Air is located at 459 Amherst Street across from 464 Gallery. They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Though they will be open for business on October 18, they will be hosting their grand opening celebration on November 13 at 7 p.m. The party will feature live music from Coterie of Stern and the Dragon Ritual Drummers, as well as a fire dancing performance by Pyromancy. Brickyard Pub will be catering the event.

More information at:
Buffalo Rising interview
Tempest Air Grand Opening Facebook Invite

Jenn Mayberry, the owner of Tempest Air, created the Pyromancy sign that we display at all of our shows. This was created early in the summer before we had a style and logo on the website, and we provided very little direction outside of “fire” and a book of ancient South American Symbols for inspiration. I was very pleased to see she really listened to our ideas and incorporated the symbols we liked in fun and aesthetically pleasing ways with the text. The result was really really awesome and I would recommend to anyone looking for custom work that is creative and unique!

In addition to our fire performance, this is also a rare Buffalo Appearance for the Dragon RItual Drummers that is free and open to the public!
Read the live show review .

Come out and small businesses in the Blackrock area of Buffalo, see you there November 13th @ 7pm!

September Spin Jam!

It’ll be a cool night, but the fire will keep us warm!

Come to Lasalle Park this Sunday at 9:30 pm. Pyromancy and any fire performers are having a meet and greet to practice, play and talk. There will be a casual Fire Eating instructional as well as a Safety Training.

Photographers are welcomed! Please take photos of us and submit them to the Pyromancy website. This is a great opportunity to expand your art with some interesting subjects.

We usually reside by the Amphitheater by the river. See you there!

Preview of Olmstead Party for the Parks!

Olmsted Party for the Parks
By WKBW Programming

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) – Buffalo Olmsted Conservancy’s Party for the Parks fundraiser will take place on Friday, September 24th at Olmsted Park. The theme is South Beach Salsa.

Channel 7’s owns Bridget Blythe will be hosting the event. There will be a number of bands to help set the mood, fire dancers and a scooter give-away. Food and drinks will also be sold.

Full article on WKBW


We’d like to thank everyone who came out to Curtain Up! last night, we had an amazing time. If you have any pictures or video, we’d love to add them to our portfolio, drop us a message at

I’d like to give special thanks to the Bijou Grill for helping us with power at last minute, Channel 4 for the coverage in their preview special, The VAuLT where we helped kick off their one year anniversary party, and most of all to Jerry Burgin who coordinated the entire Curtain Up! event.

Pyromancy will be having a business meeting 7pm, September 14th at Towne Restraurant, for all performers, safeties, newbies, photographers, musicians, anyone who wishes to be involved in our collective. We’ve got a lot to go over, there’s much excitement abound.

September 24th we’ll be performing at Delaware park at the Party for the Parks Olmstead Foundation Fundraiser. For a mere twenty dollars you’ll get Salsa, Mariachi, Beach Volleyball, Food, Drinks, FIRE! It’s going to be a fantastic time and it’s all going to Buffalo’s glorious park system. You can purchase tickets here.

Curtain Up!

Pyromancy will be busking on Main Street this Friday for the kick off to the “legitimate” theater season! Come see us next to the Bijou Grill, just look for the torches. We’ll be doing shows once an hour or so between 5 and 8, then heading over to The VAuLT for another show just for them, then hitting the streets again at 10pm till when ever people go home! There’s going to be tons of great music, artists, vendors, and food, Curtain Up! one of the better parties of the year, hope to see you there.

AND Thursday night, 7:30pm Channel 4 WIVB will be showing a preview of whats lined up for the night, so be sure to catch that if you have any doubts as if you’ll be coming.

Dragon Ritual Drummers “Warriors of the Earth”

Dragon Ritual Drummers

courtesy of

September 4, 2010 we had the honor of doing fire performance at the Dragon Ritual Drummers “Warriors of the Earth” Ceremony and Concert held at Nine Woods Forest. This eclectic drumming troupe from the Niagara region is a festival favorite at Brushwood Folklore Center, and I first got to hear them closing up the musical stage on Saturday night of Sirius Rising 2010. Their music is energetic and dance inspiring, drawing inspiration from cultures around the world. The songs are primarily instrumental, focused on tribal percussion with minimal toned instruments and vocal chanting. During live shows, the band engages the audience with stories of the songs background, and by the end of the set you are left feeling that you truly went on journey. – Gillian Tunney

From the page:

The Dragon Ritual Drummers are a drumming troupe consisting of members of the Niagara Pagan Men’s circle. The group began as a way for us to express the wonderful magick and manifestation that we routinely share. We chose the Dragon Ritual Drummers name for the infamous dragon spirit that resides in and around the brink of Niagara falls. With the original inhabitants now extinct, we began to awaken and befriend the dragon spirit through meditations, offerings and ritual.

Dragon Ritual Drummers are playing next at Rochester Pagan Pride in Rochester NY on Sep 11 2010 at3:00Pm
Read more:
Related Links:

Dragon Ritual Drummers

August Wildfire Contact Staff Workshop!

This weekend several performers from Pyromancy will be heading to August 2010 Wildfire Retreat for a weekend of workshops and fun. Wildfire is the East Coast’s premier spinning and fire arts training camp. This is a community oriented event, offering a diverse selection of over 105 classes on poi, hoop, dance, teaching, safety, business, performance, and more. This weekend-long event is held in Northeast Connecticut.

Gillian Tunney
will be teaching an Intermediate Contact Staff workshop on FISHTAILS! This workshop will be held on Saturday August 21, 4:20-5:30pm.
Course Description:

Learn fishtails! Learn the basic reverse fishtail, and how to transition into and out of it. While this class is primarily intended for the fishtail-less, we will also touch upon variations to spruce up the basic move.

Fishtails are a challenging move that I learned in baton twirling when I was younger, and is commonly used in fire contact staff to link different moves together without having to grab the staff with your hand. The baton/staff does a 1-beat twirling motion that is balanced on the back of the hand. The name “fishtail” comes from the side-to-side swimming motion the hand makes ( also it looks like you are drawing an infinity symbol with your hand when viewed from the front ), this is needed to maintain the speed and balance of the baton/staff. Hopefully once I figure out what the best way to teach this, I will make a tutorial to post here in case anyone else is interested.

As of 8/18/2010 there are 30 tickets to August Wildfire remaining, so if you are interested in going you should definitely check it out!

Pyromancy performing at Buffalo Infringement Festival

One last minute reminder that PYROMANCY will be performing our final show for Infringement Festival Sunday August 1st at 9:30 pm in Days Park (map) in Buffalo NY! Hope to see you there! . This performance will be spectacular with some new surprises.

Pyromancy also has some secret guests! Day’s Park is at the West end of Allen st. (map)

  • • Check out the event information
  • • Read the article about this show in Buffalo News Artbeats Blog
  • Hope to see you there!